Do I need a visa to participate in the selection process?

No. You may come to Brazil as a tourist, but be careful to not overstay the time allowed on your visa, or you’ll pay a fine and may not be allowed back into the country.

  1. Is it possible to stay at the university during the selection process?

Yes, the university has housing accommodations, but you will need to make a reservation at least one week in advance, sending an email to reservanupem@gmail.com .

  1. Do I need a Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners?

No, but you need to speak, write, read and understand Portuguese well in order to develop your project and follow your professors, given that lessons start promptly. All teachers lecture in Portuguese – even the foreigners. 🙂

  1. Can I ask for reconsideration if I don’t pass the test?

Yes, you can, but if you do not pass the second time you will be out of the selection process. Also, please remember that the process is eliminatory.

  1. Does the university provide financial resources to the candidates for the selection process?

No, you have to pay your own costs.

  1. If approved, is a scholarship guaranteed?

No. Scholarships depend on funding institutions, special projects and placement during the selection process.

  1. What documents are required after acceptance into the university?

You will need to validate your degrees within the Brazilian educational system. For this, you should ask to receive information about validation requirements from the corresponding department at UFRJ or another federal university, if your particular degree does not exist at UFRJ. The cost for this process can vary widely between universities reaching R$ 1,600 or more. The validation process takes some time and requires you to present your degree and school transcripts (and sometimes even class syllabi) in Portuguese, translated by an “official” translator. Legal translations can cost up to R$ 200 per page. It is imperative that you find out what the appropriate department demands for validation, gather together your paperwork and talk to the appropriate validating office at the university where your degree will be validated as soon as possible. It took one of our professors over a year to validate his documents, but there have supposedly been improvements in the process since then. You also must have your diploma stamped by your local Brazilian consulate. It’s a good idea to have them stamp your transcript, while you’re at it, just in case.

  1. Besides validating your diploma, which other documents are important?

You can get a CPF (the Brazilian equivalent of a social security card) through your local Brazilian consulate. You will also need to open a bank account. If you get a scholarship, they will need one in order to deposit your funds.

* A CPF is required to rent an apartment, open a bank account, etc..

  1. Can I get the visa in Brazil or do I need to return to my country?

You can apply for a student visa (which allows you to study and work for 2 years) at the Federal Police in the city where you will study. This requires an original birth certificate and a background check or criminal records certificate from the police in your country of origin (typically, your home town police department). This procedure may be done over the internet but must be paid for at banks designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

You can request a student visa in your country by taking the requisite documents to the Brazilian Consulate. These include, among others, a statement saying you are actively registered in a Brazilian university or a statement which indicates the course’s acceptance period, usually stamped and signed by the course coordinator and notarized at a Notary Public.

* In Brazil it is very important to have an original identity document, on which should appear the full name of your parents. If your passport or identity card does not include parental information, you should bring your original birth certificate.

  1. How much do the most common procedures cost in Brazil?

*CPF: R$5,60

*Alien registration or registry renewal (code 140082): R$ 64,58

*Portfolio of foreign first registry (code 140120): R$ 124,23

* Legalization, authentication or notarization of each single-sided page of documents: R$ 5,60

* For MERCOSUL visa or to register a student visa.


NUPEM/UFRJ  – Instituto de Biodiversidade e Sustentabilidade