faculty members
Our Teachers

Alexandre de Azevedo, PhD
Analysis of Class V myosin expression in adult vertebrates and during embryonic development; Embryonic development of neotropical fish; Reproduction and Development of Marine Organisms; Marine Psiculture.
Contact: azevedo.nupemacd.ufrj.br

Ana Cristina Petry, PhD
Fish Ecology; Fish Ecology of the Pantanal Matogrossense; Fish ecology in coastal ecosystems; Effects of hydrological connectivity on the dynamics of metacommunities in coastal aquatic ecosystems.
Contact: petryanacristinagmail.com

Analy Machado Leite, PhD
Microbial Ecology, Food Technology and Microbiology, working mainly on the following topics: New generation sequencing, Fermented foods, Probiotics, Molecular Biology, Microbial Ecology, Food Microbiology.
Contact: analyleitemacae.ufrj.br

Angélica Ribeiro Soares, PhD
Natural Products Chemistry of Marine and Freshwater Organisms; Assessment of Pharmacological Activity of Natural Products from Water Organisms; Physiological and Ecological Aspects of Natural Products from Water Organisms.
Contact: angelica.r.soaresgmail.com

Carlos Alberto de Moura Barboza, PhD
Marine ecology, biostatistics, Ophiuroidea biology (Echinodermata) and evaluation of environmental impacts in coastal ecosystems .
Contact: carlosmbarbozamacae.ufrj.br

Cíntia Monteiro de Barros, PhD
Invertebrate Morphology and carbohydrate biochemistry; comparative aspects of invertebrates’ immune system, neuro immune regulation in ascidias, neuro-regeneration
Contact: cintiabarrosmacae.ufrj.br

Daiana Vieira Lopes Alves, PhD
Bone marrow, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, resistance to chemotherapy, bone marrow stromal cells, obesity, innate immune system (macrophages) and pediatric solid tumors, especially Neuroblastoma.
Contact: daianalopes8gmail.com

Daniel Basílio Zandonadi, PhD
Biological activity of plant hormones, Biostimulants; Organic production systems; Abiotic stresses; Ecophysiology of mangrove species; Plant growth promoting microorganisms.
Contact: danielzandonadigmail.com

Danielle da Silveira dos Santos, PhD
Biotechnology with emphasis on Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation, development of processes aimed at the production of biofuels, enzymes, biosurfactants, organic acids, waste treatment and industrial effluents.
Contact: dani.usugmail.com

Elane da Silva Ribeiro, PhD

Eldo Campos, PhD
Molecular systems and therapeutic targets, Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in Arthropods.
Contact: eldocamposmacae.ufrj.br

Fabio Di Dario, PhD
Phylogeny of Otocephala (Teleostei), and the monophyly of Ostariophysi and Clupeomorpha. Phylogenetic relationships between the great Clupeomorpha groups and their possible relations with Ostariophysi (Actinopterygii, Teleostei); Phylogenetic Relations in Engrauloidea from the analysis of morphological and molecular data (Teleostei: Clupeomorpha);Phylogeny of Pristigasteroidea (Teleostei, Clupeomorpha); Morphology, ontogeny and biogeography of fish; Systematics of Clupeomorpha; Fish systematics (emphasis on marine groups)
Contact: didariogmail.com

Flávia Borges Mury, PhD
Heme detoxification in the midgut of Rhodnius prolixus; hemozoins, perimicrovilar membranes.
Contact: flaviamurygmail.com

Francisco de Assis Esteves, PhD
Ecology of coastal lagoons, with emphasis on environmental impact assessment and mitigating proposals; Ecological Studies of Lake Batata and Igarapés under influence of Bauxite Mining activities; Ecology of Coastal Ponds
Contact: festevesbiologia.ufrj.br

Giuliana Franco Leal, PhD
Society, environment and work; Configurations and reconfigurations of social ties of skilled migrant workers in Macaé (RJ): flexibility and belongings in advanced modernity.
Contact: giulianafrancolealyahoo.com.br

Glaucia Valente Valadares, PhD
Research Leader of the Integrated Health Research Group; Member of the Center for Research Fundamentals of Nursing Care – NUCLEARTE / EEAN / UFRJ. Currently: participating in the Prospecting team of the Professional Master’s Degree in Nursing and of the Professional Master’s Degree related to Environment and Society – UFRJ-Macaé Campus Professor Aloísio Teixeira.
Contact: glauciavaladaresig.com.br

Gustavo Arantes Camargo, PhD
Ethics and knowledge in Nietzsche’s thinking; Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Education.
Contact: gustavocamargomacae.ufrj.br

Heitor Monteiro Duarte, PhD
Plant Ecophysiology of Coastal Ecosystems and Development of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging Technologies.
Contact: hduartenupem.ufrj.br

Isabela Lobo, PhD
Neurophysiology of Emotional Processes in Humans.
Contact: isabelalobomacae.ufrj.br

Jackson de Souza Menezes, PhD
Ionic channel expression along the nephron; Cellular therapy in animal models of kidney failure; The role of chloride channels in the function of pancreatic beta cells
Contact: jacksonmenezesgmail.com

Jorge Luiz da Cunha Moraes, PhD
Energy metabolism, arthropod embryogenesis, characterization and analysis of 3D structures of recombinant proteins, plant ecophysiology.
Contact: jorgemoraesbioqmed.ufrj.br

José Roberto da Silva, PhD
Insect Biochemistry and Physiology; Study of cellular proliferation and differentiation of Triboliumcastaneum and Rhodniusprolixus.
Contact: joserobertomacae.ufrj.br

Laura Isabel Weber da Conceição, PhD
Genetics, Genetics of Populations, Phylogeny and Molecular Systematics.
Contact: laurawebermacae.ufrj.br / liweberc

Leonardo Araujo de Abreu, PhD

Lísia Mônica de Souza Gestinari, PhD
Systematics, Ecophysiology, Molecular Biology of Marine Macroalgae
Contact: lisiagestinarimacae.ufrj.br ou lisiagestinari

Luciano Gomes Fischer, PhD
Ecology, biology and taxonomy of coastal and deep ocean fish, fish reproduction, trophic ecology, and demersal cephalopods
Contact: luciano.fischergmail.com

Magdalena Nascimento Rennó, PhD
Study of enzymatic inhibitors through molecular modelling; Antitumor and antiparasitic activity of bioactive compounds; (…)
Contact: mnrennomacae.ufrj.br

Malinda Dawn Henry, PhD
Monitoring and maintenance of diversity and ecological health through research, population management and habitat conservation.
Contact: malindahenrygmail.com

Marco Antônio Lopes Cruz, PhD
Plant Microprogramming Systems. Cell cycle, isolation and analysis of proteins, gene characterization, tissue culture and plant cells.
Contact: marcocruzmacae.ufrj.br

Marcos Paulo Figueiredo de Barros, PhD
Ecology, with emphasis on Coastal Lakes and Amazonian Lakes; Role of the Carbon Cycle Benthic Compartment.
Contact: mpaulo.biogmail.com

Mário Sérgio Schultz, PhD
Inorganic chemistry; development of inorganic drugs, homogeneous catalysis, kinetics, structural determination of coordination compounds and organometallic compounds.
Contact: mss060gmail.com

Maurício Mussi Molisani, PhD
Cyclization of chemical species in aquatic ecosystems and environmental contamination; Evaluation of effects of actions in drainage basins in coastal environments; Hydrology;
Contact: molisanimmyahoo.com.br

Michael Maia Mincarone, PhD
Ichthyology, with emphasis on systematics and conservation of deep ocean fish
Contact: mincaronegmail.com

Mirella Pupo Santos, PhD
Cellular / molecular biology and physiology of abiotic and biotic stress in plants.
Contact: mirellapupogmail.com

Natalia Martins Feitosa, PhD
Developmental biology and morphogenetic ecotoxicology
Contact: nataliafeitosamacae.ufrj.br

Pablo Rodrigues Gonçalves, PhD

Paula Alvarez Abreu, PhD
Molecular modeling in the study of therapeutic targets and drug design. Antifungal and antibacterial assays of new synthetic derivatives.
Contact: abreu_payahoo.com.br

Pedro Hollanda Carvalho, PhD
Molecular systematics, phylogeography, population analysis, fisheries and forensic genetics, collections curation and fish taxonomy.
Contact: hollandacarvalhogmail.com

Petter Franco Entringer, PhD
Biochemistry and molecular biology of leishmaniasis and insect vectors, acting on the themes of lipid mediators of inflammation, lipid and lipoprotein metabolism.
Contact: pfentringergmail.com

Rafael Nogueira Costa, PhD
Local implementation of national public policies on environment and environmental education
Contact: rcostamacae.ufrj.br/rafaelnogueiracosta

Raquel Gestinari, PhD
Analysis of Genetic Markers related to Human Diseases of Complex Inheritance (Human Genetics)
Contact: raquelgestinarigmail.com

Rodrigo Lemes Martins, PhD
Floral Biology, Evolutionary Ecology, Behavior and Conservation.
Contact: rodr.lemesbol.com.br

Rodrigo Nunes da Fonseca, PhD
Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Evo-Devo), Comparative Embryology of Invertebrates.
Contact: rnfonsecamacae.ufrj.br
Lattes, Personal Page, Blog Evo-Devo

Tatiana Ungaretti Paleo Konno, PhD
Systematics, floristics, Angiosperms; Phanonomy Taxonomy.
Contact: tkonnouol.com.br

Teo Bueno de Abreu, PhD
Science Teaching, Discourse on the Environment, Science Education, Scientific Divulgation, Language Studies and Teacher Training;
Contact: teobuenorjyahoo.com.br

Thaddeus Gregory Blanchette, PhD
Anthropology, with emphasis on ethnicity, indigenism, development and gender relations.
Contact: macunaima30yahoo.com.br

Vinícius Albano Araújo, PhD
Internal morphology of insects with emphasis on structural and ultrastructural characteristics of the reproductive and digestive systems of Hemiptera and Hymenoptera, with potential application in behavior and systematics.
Contact: vialbanogmail.com
NUPEM/UFRJ – Instituto de Biodiversidade e Sustentabilidade